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caixa de promessas

                                                                                     Caixa de promessas bíblicas - Leco Brinquedos


The miracle of healing walking
along with medical science.


If you are reading this book, it arrived to you as a gift. And it happened because you just witnessed something that medical science can not explain .... a cure, disappearance of symptoms, a tumor that failed to appear in exams...
I invite you to spend a few more minutes of your precious time to this small and fast reading. I wrote it to show you what is after all, a miracle of healing.
Important to emphasize from the outset: this is not a book about religion. Here you will find no invitation to go to a church, change or become part of a religion. Only a narration of what happened to your patient, the message he or she received, what he or she believed and how it worked in conjunction with medical science.
Thank you for your attention and good reading!

João Marcelo

I believe in medical science!
Let's be honest! The big problem of people who pray for healing, preachers, priests, or people not connected to any religion as myself, is to belittle the work of health professionals.
Surely you've seen some of them in hospitals and clinics where you work... they like to deny medical diagnoses and attempt to impose a faith that discards intelligence. Believe more in miracles than in medicine, and this is very wrong!
First of all, if we want to cure the patient, then we are on the same side. Those who believe in God and are serious, also believe that God gave us intelligence and many excellent professionals, physicians, researchers, nurses... people who used well this intelligence to develop drugs, technology, highly advanced surgical procedures. Constantly seek and invest in more training. Our society depends completely on the health professional!
For those that detract doctors I usually say that to begin with, each of us was born by the hands of a doctor and his staff. Or someone has prayed for a pregnant woman and the baby suddenly appeared outside the belly?
I believe in medicine. I believe in science and technology. I believe that if God can use a prayer for a healing, can further use a professional like you, who devotes a lifetime to an unending learning of medical sciences.
I would never recommend anyone to abandon their treatment or not do any procedure, test or stop taking any medication prescribed by your family doctor ... no way!
Everyone should do whatever is in their power to take care of his own health and the health of his family! Of course some have more financial, other less resources.
I just also believe in people's right to pray and ask God for a healing.
And I have seen many healings come through medicine. And some cases where the medicine can not heal and the person ends up being healed by the power of God.
And even in those cases, there was clear involvement of health professionals also!

I believe in the power of prayer!

I share with you something that illustrates the power of prayer and the importance of medical staff, even when there was no more to be done.
There was a 15 years old girl in the ICU of Santa Casa de Sao Paulo a girl who had their lungs completely taken by cancer.
She was intubated, breathing with the aid of equipment ... please forgive me any inaccuracies in technical language...
She was in complete organ failure and doctors responsible had given an expectation of living of less than 24 hours. There was no medication or procedure to be done and the girl was just being monitored to avoid pain and take comfort in her last moments.
The family had already been reported and beyond gratitude to all the care that her daughter had received and was receiving, still believed that God can do something when we, people, just can't.
At 3 am his mother and his father received a specific message that directed their faith. They believed. We prayed together.
In the morning the girl was urinating and defecating, the doctors said that the total organ failure had been reversed.
She woke up and started breathing again, and being extubated. She tayed in the ICU only two days more. 1 week after she was discharged WITHOUT cancer that just disappeared and now she lives healthy and normally.

What was the message received and believed?
Is it really possible to be helped to have faith in something specific and get a miracle healing?
YES. There is a specific message that has cured cancer, diabetes, blindness, heart, kidney and breathing problems ...
YES, this message answers the question title of this book: what happened to your patient?
Again let me emphasize that at no time was there any devaluation of the medical team. They did all that was possible and kept her life until the moment that the miracle happened. And all celebrate together the wonderful result!

But ultimately, what happened to your patient?
What happened to your patient or your patient?
As I write this book in my home town, Sao Paulo, Brazil, is impossible to know exactly, but if you're reading, something happened and it was added to your care, bringing a result of healing that goes beyond the normal expectation of medical science.
If this book is in your hands, then the family in question had some form of contact with me and before the miracle, believed and received the same message that the family of that 15 years old girl.
And that helped your patient to have a kind of faith that made it possible to access the miracle you witnessed.
Do you want to know the message that your patient received before receiving the miracle?
Again, I do not wish you convince you about any kind of a religion, nor going to church, nor anything like that.
But, let me tell you exactly what is this message that helps people access a miracle of healing, to answer to the question of the title of this book.

It's a simple message, in just 3 steps.

The first step: God has the power to heal.
Unless you are an atheist and have conviction about it, we all know that there is a God, creator of heaven, earth, people and animals. We've all heard about something miraculous that he did and is not difficult to believe that miracles exist.
However, we tend to think of miracles as we think of winning the lottery: the lottery exists, there is the prize, the prize is wonderful and someone wins. But not me!
The difficulty is not to believe that miracles exist. The difficulty is to believe that you can count on it palpably. Believe that you can just ask and receive.
Over the next few minutes, let me show you that it is possible. It happened with your patient, he or she asked for it and received!
God has the power to heal. But, is it His will? Cure only some chosen or cure all?

The second step: God wants to heal your patient today!

Now things get more serious! So I'm telling you that God's will is even heal all who ask and even more, he wants to do today, on the day that a person ask for?
Yes. But you would never ask for a faith without intelligence. So I try to explain coherently, as I did for your patient who was cured or healed.
Many people, especially in religious environments, believe that God is our father, sends diseases to correct us, educate us, bring us closer to Him... make us pray or pray more, go to church...
This is so absurd ... just imagine, if you sending the diseases is God's will, what are you and me? Me as someone who prays for healing and you as someone who devotes your lifetime to a wonderful profession dedicated to healing people... We are what? We are rebels against God's will?
Imagine you have a son or teenage daughter and begins to take the concerns of every parent. He or she goes out with friends and you are worried, waiting at home... and no news. One o'clock, two o'clock in the morning ... he or she doesn't even not answer the cell phone...
Would you send a disease to your own son or daughter preferring him or her to stay sick in bed, suffering at home near you? Of course not !!!!
And how can we think that God, who is good and who is love can do something like that? Send a disease to keep us closer?
So if the disease does not come from God, where it came from?
God made no mistake when he created the world. God made no mistake when He created each person living. Does God faltered when creating a family and missed a genetic flaw? Of course not.
So where does the disease came from?
I promised not to get into religious reverie and fulfill my promise. So let's try not to speak here about hell or devils.
But you will agree with me that in the same way that there is goodness, love, compassion, there is also evil. There are evil forces at work in our world and just watch the news to prove it.
There are crimes, for example, moved by greed. But there are bad things that defy all logic ... why a father throws his daughter out the window? (It happened here in Brazil).
Do you realize that certain situations show us that evil exists?
I do not want to convince you of anything, but promised to tell what was the message that your patient (or family) received ... and what happened was that they understood that the disease did not come from God but from the devil, or that which is contrary to the love and goodness of God.
You ask me why God allows? Why then would God allow evil to exist?
I believe and share with you the concept that God created the world and gave us our free will. And it would be impossible to have free will if the other side does not exist...
Your patient believed that the disease did not come from God but from the enemy. Believed that God does not approve the disease to exist and that His will is clearly undo the evil that the enemy did putting disease in one of His child.
Believed that He has a specific way of doing this. A way that every seeker finds if just look for it in the right place!
Again I do not try to convince you of anything, but I narrate what your patient believed ... please, give me a little more understanding and patience.
Your patient believed in what we named as the second step: God's will is to heal and heal as fast as possible because what father would like to see his child sick without doing something about it?
And your patient went to the third step really, really believing in that.
Do not be alarmed by the third step. It seems a strange thing to say, but you will better understand it as you read.

The third step: God not only wants, but He already did it! God has already healed!

Your patient believed at that time of the conversation, that God but noy only wanted to do the miracle of healing, but He had already done it a long time ago. It was only missing your patient's access to the benefit available: healing.
Again I ask you not faith without intelligence. But from here on we cease to walk by logic and start the walk a little more in faith. This was the way that your patient did, please follow me, even if it is only to know how it happened ...
You agree with me that God is good.
You agree with me that God is just.
You agree with me that we, in greater or smaller scale use such free will to distance us from God. I speak not of religion but of wrong decisions that made us walk out of love, compassion, friendship, understanding .... we make mistakes, we all make.
Let's try to walk more by intelligence than by faith, as far as possible ...
What does a just, fair God with someone who makes mistakes?
Yes, He is good, but He is also fair. He must punish to maintain and satisfy His justice, right?
I can say for me ... did a lot of bullshit in my life, some marriages, divorces, children growing away from me... my mistakes, that hurted many people.
I deserved punishment, do you agree? How can the Lord God grant me a family, a good life and the joy of being helpful in the lives of sick people who come to be healed?
I already saw a child of 11 years to drop the crutches and started jumping. I already saw a deaf 10 years old boy from birth start listening after a prayer and the first thing he heard was my voice... who am I to deserve this?
Who am I to deserve your attention and your precious time to read something I wrote?
How can a just God let me escape and still give me good stuff?
What is the missing piece in this puzzle?
Now we enter the faith ... I speak for myself, I also speak for your patient who received healing ...
SOMEONE paid my debt, someone took my place in punishment.
Surely you have heard about Jesus. Maybe you celebrate His birth at Christmas. Perhaps you've seen a movie or theater on His life. Maybe you know that on Easter we celebrate his crucifixion and resurrection.
That's right ... Jesus, son of God, came to earth to die in our place. Everyone repeat it like parrots, but few realize!
God is good and just, we're not. Jesus came and paid at our place, then we are forgiven.
The church takes over and makes it appear that Jesus is property of this or that kind of church.
You've heard about conversion? It seems that it would be joining a religion or becoming part of a church. IT IS NOT!
The time when the person understands what Jesus came to do and gets in way of gratitude in his heart, then the conversion is done, even if never enters a church in life, even if he or her decides not to have religion (I don't). Only this, receive this sacrifice at heart and be grateful. Nothing more.
But what does this have to do with healing?
So Jesus was nailed to that cross and there He received more than the pain of the nails and the crown of thorns. He received that cross the guilt, anguish because of every sin of everey person that ever lived.
He weighed about the guilt of the most horrible things you've seen on the news, the greatest absurdities... just imagine how much suffering!
And so He died for us, this is how He paid our bill. And an account can not be paid twice, right?
So maybe you have heard someone say that Jesus is our savior, our substitute ... that's what his patient heard minutes before the cure!
But... where does the healing of the physical body fits into this story?
Matthew, a disciple of Jesus said the following about the crucifixion (that is in evangelical and catholic bibles, in Matthew 8:17) ....
"Jesus took upon himself our infirmities and carried our deseases"
So Jesus took not only our sin on our place, as our substitute, but also diseases? Yes!
Again, I do not try to convince you of anything, but your patient believed that before receiving the miracle you witnessed.
If it is written that He "took upon himself" then he caught the disease and put on himself. Jesus got sick from head to toe.
Jesus on the cross had AIDS, cancer, diabetes, leprosy, blindness, deafness ... every disease that exists in every part of His body. And so His body replaced ours, getting diseases in our place
When one believes that He already had a desease in his place the disease disappears and the person is cured.
I know how hard it is to believe it. I know that if you had not witnessed a miracle of healing you problably wouldn't even be paying attention to this matter. But, let me tell you that's what happened to your patient...
He or she believed that Jesus already took the desease in his or her place, the disease disappeared and the person is cured.
I've seen that happen many, many times. You saw at least this one time. I seek not to convince you of anything, but to give you an honest narrative about what you witnessed in your patient's life.
And I greatly appreciate your attention, your time and the honor you gave me reading something that I wrote.
Does this change anything in YOUR life?
I honestly can only tell you one more thing. I do not know how is your life, or what do you need. But I tell you that you do not need a religion to have the same power and the same salvation also acting in your life and the life of your family.
As we said before, you just need to receive in your heart that Jesus is the son of God and came to earth to die on that cross in your place to take your sins and your diseases.
If you believe that, it is natural that there is now a feeling of gratitude and love in you... you cease to think of God as something strange and unattainable to think of a father who gives you a great, great love.
How can you do it right now? Pretty easy, just tell Jesus!
Read this paragraph for high voice and it's done. You will not have a religion and not have to do anything but receive every word in your heart...
Lord Jesus, thank you because I understand who You are and what You did for me. Please forgive my sins and stay with me. I do not want a religion, I just want Your presence, Your love and Your power in my life. I now receive You as my lord and my savior. Amem.
Again, thank you for the honor of receiving a moment of your precious attention. Receive all my love, in Jesus name!

João Marcelo


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Gênesis 17:20-23 NTLH. Também ouvi o seu pedido a respeito de Ismael; e eu o abençoarei e lhe darei muitos filhos e muitos descendentes. Ele será pai de doze príncipes, e eu farei com que os descendentes dele sejam uma grande nação.