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caixa de promessas

                                                                                     Caixa de promessas bíblicas - Leco Brinquedos

10 steps to make your healing permanent

You received your healing at the hands of the Lord Jesus, who to took your disease in His own body, suffered and died in your place, so you now have life and you are healthy... what should you do right now?

I believe in medicine as well as you do. I believe God gave us science and incredibly smart and dedicated people who work in the health sector. But I also believe in the power of prayer and in our right to ask for healing directly to our Lord God. If you are reading this book, that just happened to you! You asked for and received a miracle healing!

I do not recommend to anyone to abandon medical treatment, on the contrary, do all examinations again and yes, return to your doctor for all necessary confirmations.

At the same time, follow and apply in your life these 10 simple steps that will make your miracle healing permanent!

1 - Be thankful!

"give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Gratitude is and should now be your greatest feeling. There is nothing you can give to the Lord in exchange for a love so great as dying for you for you to have life... He just asks for your gratitude!

Now be happy and live your life, but remember all the time that you can do it just because of Him, our Lord Jesus.

2 - Witness!

"... and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Acts 1: 8

If we go to a nice restaurant or see a good movie in the theater we always tell our friends and family, recommending it to everybody. What should we do when we receive a healing miracle?

The love of Jesus is always to be shared! So after receiving a miracle healing it is necessary to witness. Witness in the church, to your family, to others who are sick, so they will also know what Jesus did and have a chance to be healed, just like you!
Tell everyone what the Lord Jesus did for you! Do not be ashamed! When you most needed it was Him who came to help you!

3 - Beware of negative opinions

"Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14: 38-31

Many do not believe. Many disagree. Many even feel envy ... the fact is that many people will not believe that you received a miracle healing.

They can say that it wasn't real, that you did not have the disease before, but you need to stand firm! Only you know what really happened to you!

Now you need to be like Peter in this passage. If Jesus said that you can walk on water, then you can! Look to Him and walk! This is the only way. If you doubt, you sink!

4 - Do not ask for healing again!

"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord"

James1: 6, 7

Many of us have learned that we must persevere in prayer, if we want something, we must pray for it everyday.

However, you must understand that your healing has arrived, your miracle has happened. Agree with me that if you ask again you will be declaring that you did not believe that you ever received? And so each time you ask, you nullify the previous application.

So how to persevere in prayer if you've already asked for it and received?

Just continue to pray, but THANKING! I repeat ... you asked for itand received, but now keep praying about it, but only giving thanks, thanks and thanks again!

5 - Jesus only!

There is a very common mistake that you can not commit! Some people believe that all paths lead to God and that also costs nothing to ask other people or spirits.

Understand that it was Jesus who healed you! Go to other spiritual centers, the witch healers and others like that is an open door for you to lose the healing, because it would be ingratitude and would be contrary to what Jesus, who healed you said ...

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

John 14: 6

6 - Do not praise the enemy!

Always praise exclusively to the Lord!

"...I am the Lord, who heals you"

Exodus 15:26.

When you say you received the healing, say that Jesus is wonderful, great, powerful and loving you will be extolling the one who healed you. That indicates your gratitude and will make the Lord very happy.

However, many people make a serious mistake you need to avoid at all costs: keep saying how it hurted, how much they have lost, how hard it was...

Just forget what was difficult and exalt the one who healed you, Lord Jesus! If you stay saying negative things, what you're doing actually? You'll be extolling the one who wanted to destroy you, who wanted to make you sick... you're saying that Satan did well his job when tryied to destroy you! Do not do it! Do not open a door for that evil return to your life!

  7 - Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free

"Himself took our infirmities and bore our diseases"

Matthew 8:17

For a long time we received wrong teachings about the miracle of healing. You've probably heard and believed that the Lord heals only a few people, a chosen few... that it depends on His will and that God sends diseases or allows them to teach us, make us go to the church or lead us to pray more.

Hence people think that receiving a miracle is like winning the lottery big prize, it exists, the prize is wonderful, but someone else will win, not you. It is WRONG! God treats ALL his children equally! You have already received the miracle, so you just know about it!
You received your healing because she understood that Jesus died for you, for others and also for you.

Do not engage in discussions about it and do not allow false teaching shake your faith. Did you know that even after healed some people believe that error back and lose the cure? Do not let this happen to you!

You know what you received. You felt the love of Jesus. And you know that everyone who asks will receive too!

  8 - Having faith is knowing for sure, not something that you feel!

"... Let God be true, and every human being a liar"

Romans 3: 4

Your healing was fast like a lightening bolt or it is happening slowly, gradually?

Think of your healing as a seed sent by God. So pay close attention to it ...

When a seed is planted, it begins to sprout and take some time to appear one sprout on earth. That day it is finally seen, right? Before that, the seed was already "working", but it was not visible.

Imagine if you plant a tree and stay all day digging up the seed to see if it is working before the plant broke ground... the seed die, right? No need to see, just knowing will be much better!

If you just know that every seed germinates and that, although it is underground, is growing and soon you will see the sprout, it would be born for sure!

What can you do to make it faster?

WATERING THE SEED! And how do you do it? How to take care of the seed of healing so it will grow faster? With gratitude!!!

  9 - Why you should read the Bible?

  "Himself took our infirmities and bore our diseases"

 Matthew 8:17

  You received your healing when you believed what is written in these two lines of text. Here is revealed the truth that on the cross Jesus not only took your sins, but also your sicknesses.

  It says that the Lord God placed the disease in the body of his own son. It says He did it with all diseases, whether they are serious or not ... see that it is written OUR diseases, NOT SOME diseases or diseases of a CHOSEN FEW.
You received it in your heart and your illness was healed.


Therefore, regardless of your religion, just read the Bible. There you will get to know better your friend Jesus. There you will find many other things that He has done for you and you can get now, just like you got your healing!

10 - What about going to a church?

 "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD"

 Psalm 122: 1

This little book is not intended to tell you to go to the church. I do not want you to change your religion. I do not want you to have a religion! Here we just talk about Jesus and how you are relating directly to Him! Your wonderful Lord and Savior of your life.

At the same time, about going to a church I would consider...

  There are people there just like you, who love Jesus. There are people who dedicate their entire lives to the knowledge of the word of God and can teach you and help you understanding and walking in Jesus power and will.. There are people who will be happy to welcome you to worship our Lord together.

  If you go to a church, witness there about your healing and help those in need of healing to learn what you have learned. If you do not go to church, the next time someone invite you there, give it a try and see it for yourself!


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Gênesis 17:20-23 NTLH. Também ouvi o seu pedido a respeito de Ismael; e eu o abençoarei e lhe darei muitos filhos e muitos descendentes. Ele será pai de doze príncipes, e eu farei com que os descendentes dele sejam uma grande nação.